Where moonbeams dance on glaciers’ frosted crown,
Frostallion Noct, in stardust whispers, glides down.
No beast of ice, but spirit of the night,
Its coat reflects the cosmos, bathed in silver light.

With hooves of stardust, it tiptoes on the breeze,
Leaving trails of frost, like fallen galaxies.
Its eyes, twin nebulae, hold ancient wisdom’s gleam,
Guiding lost souls, through the frozen, starry dream.

But shadows linger, where darkness dares to creep,
And Frostallion Noct, its frozen vigil keeps.
With icy claws and breath of starlight’s wrath,
It banishes nightmares, on its moonlit path.

So approach with reverence, beneath the starry sprawl,
Offer respect, and heed the winter’s mournful call.
For Noct’s fury, though chilling and profound,
Holds within its heart, a melody unbound.

With gentle songs, of starlight and the deep,
It lulls the restless, where anxieties sleep.
Whispers of balance, of nature’s ebb and flow,
Echoing through the night, where secrets softly glow.

Then, in the dance of moonlight’s gentle grace,
The Frostallion Noct, unveils its hidden space.
A symphony of ice and stardust takes its flight,
Guiding you through darkness, to the dawn’s first light.

And as the sun ignites, painting the sky anew,
Noct fades away, like whispers passing through.
But in your heart, its melody will stay,
A reminder of beauty, hidden where stars hold sway.

So close your eyes, beneath the winter’s hush,
Let Frostallion Noct, guide your spirit’s rush.
For in the depths of frost, where starlight softly gleams,
The frozen symphony, forever holds your dreams.

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