With fur like sunshine, ears perked bright,
Rooby bounces, a joyous sight.
Tail a spring, heart filled with glee,
A creature of whimsy, for all to see.

Once protector, playful and kind,
Guiding meadows, where laughter entwined.
But shadows crept, and balance frayed,
Twisting joy to fear, casting sunshine in shade.

With floppy paws and twitching nose,
It guards its domain, no room for woes.
Giggles erupt, like bouncing balls,
Chasing away shadows, standing tall.

Legends speak of power untold,
Hidden within, stories yet unfold.
Can laughter mend, where darkness sleeps?
Or will shadows linger, where joy weeps?

Through fields of flowers and skies so blue,
Rooby bounces, on dreams come true.
Hope flourishes bright, defying gloom,
Will harmony return, dispelling doom?

But deep within, a memory wakes,
Of playful leaps, for sunshine’s sake.
Perhaps the joey, with fur so bright,
Can mend the world, and set joy’s flight.

So let it bounce, a fluffy grace,
And from the laughter, chase shadows’ trace.
For Rooby holds, a hidden key,
To mend the world, and finally, be free.

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