The end was quick and bitter.Slow and sweet was the time between us,slow and...
In the digital realm where verses unfold, PoemBay whispers tales untold.
“What kind of a person are you,” I heard them say to me.I’m a...
A precise woman with a short haircut brings orderto my thoughts and my dresser...
Forgetting someone is like forgetting to turn off the lightin the backyard so it...
Before the gate has been closed,before the last quetion is posed,before I am transposed.Before...
God has pity on kindergarten children,He pities school children — less.But adults he pities...
Visits of condolence is all we get from them.They squat at the Holocaust Memorial,They...
The memory of my father is wrapped up inwhite paper, like sandwiches taken for...
I don’t Know if history repeats itselfBut I do know that you don’t. I...
Once a great love cut my life in two.The first part goes on twistingat...