I said I will find what is lowlyand put the roots of my identitydown...
In the digital realm where verses unfold, PoemBay whispers tales untold.
It was May before myattention cameto spring and my word I saidto the southern...
You’ll rejoice at how many kinds of shit there are:gosling shit (which J. Williams...
Fall fell: so that’s it for the leaf poetry:some flurries have whitened the edges...
After yesterdayafternoon’s blueclouds and white rainthe mockingbirdin the backyarduntied the drops fromleaves and twigswith...
After a longmuggyhangingdaythe raindropsstarted sosparsethe bumblebee flewbetweenthem home
I have a life that did not become,that turned aside and stopped,astonished:I hold it...
1) An individual spider webidentifies a species: an order of instinct prevailsthrough all accidents...
One failure onTop of another
A day without rain is likea day without sunshine