In Palworld’s sun-scorched plains, where dunes whisper tales,
Anubis stalks, a guardian, with fur the desert’s veil.
His jackal form, a silhouette against the fiery dawn,
A watchful eye, ensuring balance, ’til the twilight wanes on.

His ears perk at the rustling sands, keen senses ever hold,
The scent of mischief, or of prey, a story yet untold.
With graceful stride, he navigates the shifting land,
A silent judge, dispensing justice with swift and unseen hand.

His gaze, imbued with ancient wisdom, pierces through the haze,
Seeing past the fleeting form, to the soul’s eternal maze.
He guides the lost with spectral glow, through trials yet unseen,
A loyal friend, a protector, where shadows intervene.

Though jackal teeth and fearsome claws might strike a primal fear,
Within his heart, a quiet strength, a calmness ever near.
He is the bridge between the worlds, the keeper of the gate,
Where life and death entwine their dance, and mysteries await.

So raise a paw, to Anubis bold, who guards the sacred sand,
A watchful presence, ever true, in this pixellated land.
For in his form, we glimpse a truth, beyond the pixels’ gleam,
That loyalty and balance reign, a timeless, watchful dream.

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