With fur of dusk and eyes of molten gold,
Blazehowl stands, a story yet untold.
A wolf of metal, gears that whine and whir,
A heart of flame, a spirit set to stir.

Through circuits hums a lonesome song,
Of dreams once shattered, where they don’t belong.
A yearning echoes in his metallic core,
To find his place, forevermore.

He sprints across the moonlit plains,
A symphony of steel unleashed, no reins.
His howls resonate with starlight’s gleam,
A mournful cry, a whispered dream.

He seeks the pack, the bond, the warmth of fur,
But metal claws leave shadows where they blur.
Acceptance burns, a distant, flickering flame,
Can he bridge the gap, reclaim his name?

The wind whispers tales of ancestors bold,
Of wolves who ran, their stories to be told.
He listens close, with circuits yearning deep,
To find his purpose, secrets sleep.

Oh, Blazehowl, of metal and of might,
May kindness guide you through the darkest night.
Unleash the music in your soul’s refrain,
And find your pack, amidst the falling rain.

For in the harmony of steel and heart,
A bond is forged, a brand new start.
The wolf within, the machine’s embrace,
Will find its place, in time and space.

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