With fur like stormclouds, claws like jagged stone,
Galeclaw emerges, where lightning bolts are sown.
No gentle creature, born of playful breeze,
But storm’s embodiment, riding thunderous seas.

Its wings, like sails unfurl, against the howling sky,
Eyes flash with fury, as tempest winds pass by.
Across the peaks, it soars with fearsome might,
A guardian of tempests, bathed in electric light.

But beneath the power, a spirit wild and free,
Dancing with storms, a symphony to see.
For Galeclaw remembers, the ancient wind’s decree,
To balance nature’s fury, with serenity.

So approach with caution, yet with heart sincere,
Respect the power, the storm’s wrath and cheer.
Offer not control, but understanding’s plea,
To learn the rhythm, of the wind and the sea.

Then, in the dance of lightning’s fleeting spark,
Galeclaw’s fury, unveils its hidden ark.
It shares the secrets, of the storm’s wild grace,
Guiding you through danger, to a calmer space.

And as the clouds disperse, and sunlight paints the land,
Galeclaw soars onward, a whisper in the sand.
But in your heart, its power will remain,
A reminder of balance, etched in wind and rain.

So raise your gaze, when thunderclouds unfold,
Let Galeclaw’s spirit, make your courage bold.
For in the depths of storms, where lightning’s fury flies,
A spark of harmony, forever in your eyes.

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