Where waves lap gently, bathed in sun,
Mozzarina frolics, joy begun.
Translucent form, a vibrant hue,
A queen of slimes, with secrets true.

Once protector, gentle and bright,
Guiding creatures, day and night.
But greed arose, and balance fell,
Twisting her essence, casting a spell.

With playful tendrils, soft and free,
She builds and shapes, with glee.
Bouncing orbs like playful stars descend,
Whispering stories, that never end.

Legends speak of power deep within,
To heal the land, where darkness dared to win.
Can kindness bloom, where shadows hide?
Or will mischief forever be her guide?

Through coral castles, whimsical and strange,
Mozzarina dances, in a watery range.
Hope flickers bright, in luminescent light,
Will harmony return, or fade from sight?

For even slimes, born of playful grace,
Hold hearts of wonder, in a hidden space.
Perhaps the queen, with bubbly soul,
Can find redemption, make herself whole.

So let her bounce, a joyous sprite,
And from the laughter, banish night.
For Mozzarina holds, a hidden key,
To mend the world, and finally, be free.

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