Once upon a time, in the land of Hush-A-Bye,Around about the wondrous days of...
In the digital realm where verses unfold, PoemBay whispers tales untold.
Mysterious death! who in a single hourLife’s gold can so refineAnd by thy art...
We sighing said, “Our Pan is dead;His pipe hangs mute beside the riverAround it...
O lesson well and wisely taughtStay with me to the last,That all my life...
O flower at my windowWhy blossom you so fair,With your green and purple cupUpturned...
Oh! a bare, brown rockStood up in the sea,The waves at its feetDancing merrily....
Long ago in a poultry yardOne dull November morn,Beneath a motherly soft wingA little...
Brighter shone the golden shadows;On the cool wind softly cameThe low, sweet tones of...
We are sending you, dear flowersForth alone to die,Where your gentle sisters may not...
A little kingdom I possesswhere thoughts and feelings dwell,And very hard I find the...