Now the day is done,Now the shepherd sunDrives his white flocks from the sky;Now...
In the digital realm where verses unfold, PoemBay whispers tales untold.
Thistledown in prison sings: Bright shines the summer sun,Soft is the summer air;Gayly the...
Awake! Awake! for the earliest gleamOf golden sunlight shinesOn the rippling waves, that brightly...
Swallow, swallow, neighbor swallow,Starting on your autumn flight,Pause a moment at my window,Twitter softly...
Little shadows, little shadowsDancing on the chamber wall,While I sit beside the hearthstoneWhere the...
From our happy homeThrough the world we roamOne week in all the year,Making winter...
The moonlight fades from flower and roseAnd the stars dim one by one;The tale...
Under Mirabeau Bridge runs the SeineAnd our lovesMust I remember themJoy came always after...
Du rouge au vert tout le jaune se meurtQuand chantent les aras dans les...
Mon verre est plein d’un vin trembleur comme une flammeEcoutez la chanson lente d’un...