With scales that shimmer, light a moonlit dream,
Dinossom Lux awakens, a bioluminescent gleam.
A titan of the deep, with eyes of starlit blue,
His luminescence paints a world anew.

He glides through currents, a beacon in the night,
His gentle glow dispels the ocean’s fright.
Whispers dance, on waves of silver sheen,
Of ancient guardians, where kindness has been seen.

He yearns for balance, harmony to keep,
Nurturing the darkness, where creatures slumber deep.
To guide lost souls, with his celestial spark,
And mend the wounds, left by shadows stark.

The whispers sing, of ancestors so bright,
Who bathed the depths, in everlasting light.
Dinossom Lux embraces wisdom’s call,
Where power serves kindness, and shadows gently fall.

Oh, Dinossom Lux, of stardust and of grace,
May gentle currents guide you to your rightful place.
Let bioluminescent lullabies soothe the restless soul,
And find your purpose, making oceans whole.

For in your depths, where light and kindness meet,
True wisdom lies, beyond the ocean’s beat.
And shimmering scales, a beacon in the night,
Will banish darkness, with their gentle, guiding light.

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