Silver will lie where she liessun-out, whatever turning the world does,longeared in her ashen,...
A. R. Ammons
A. R. Ammons was an American poet and professor of English at Cornell University who lived from 1926 to 2001. He was known for his use of free verse, nature imagery, and transcendentalist themes in his poetry. He won several prestigious awards, including two National Book Awards, the Bollingen Prize, and the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize. |
Walking is likeimagination, asingle stepdissolves the circleinto motion; the eye hereand there restson a...
When the crowlands, thetip of the sprung spruce bough weighsso low, thesystem so friction-free,...
When you consider the radiance, that it does not withholditself but pours its abundance...
All afternoonthe tree shadows, accelerating,lengthenedtillsunsetshot them black into infinity:next morningdarknessreturned from the otherinfinity and...
So I said I am Ezraand the wind whipped my throatgaming for the sounds...
I said I will find what is lowlyand put the roots of my identitydown...
It was May before myattention cameto spring and my word I saidto the southern...
You’ll rejoice at how many kinds of shit there are:gosling shit (which J. Williams...
Fall fell: so that’s it for the leaf poetry:some flurries have whitened the edges...