With fur like thunderclouds, eyes sparking bright,
Dazzi leaps and zaps, a dazzling light.
Its bolts of joy crackle through the air,
A playful spirit, free from care.

Its fur crackles softly, a lullaby’s hum,
As it chases butterflies, with playful thrum.
But hidden deep, within its core,
Lies power untold, waiting to soar.

It yearns to dance with lightning’s grace,
To paint the skies with streaks of space.
To understand the storm’s wild song,
And where its power truly belongs.

Whispers echo, of ancestors bold,
Who harnessed storms, stories untold.
But Dazzi seeks a gentler way,
Where sparks of kindness light the day.

Oh, Dazzi, spirit of electric glee,
May kindness guide your destiny.
Let playful zaps and laughter spread,
And chase away the shadows dread.

For in your heart, where energy lies,
True strength resides, beyond the skies.
And playful paws, with gentle spark,
Will leave a trail of joy, in the coming dark.

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