From glacial peaks where wind forever grieves,
Frostallion descends, on hooves of frozen leaves.
Its coat, a canvas where frost paints its might,
Eyes like frosted gems, reflecting ancient light.

With every step, the earth begins to quake,
Ice shards erupt, a frozen slumber to awake.
A creature of winter, majestic and grand,
Protecting secrets buried in the frozen land.

But beneath the ice, a warmth does reside,
A wellspring of life, where hidden rivers glide.
For Frostallion remembers, long before the snow,
When meadows flourished, where vibrant colors flow.

So approach with caution, yet with heart sincere,
Respect the power, and banish chilling fear.
Offer not conquest, but a gentle plea,
To understand the cycle, the land and the sea.

Then, in the dance of snowflakes and sun’s soft gleam,
The glacier’s heart, will unveil a hidden stream.
It’ll share its stories, of seasons ever changing,
Of balance fragile, forever rearranging.

And as the thaw arrives, and winter starts to wane,
Frostallion’s power, will nourish life again.
For in the heart of ice, where secrets sleep,
Hope blooms anew, promises forever to keep.

So join the journey, through seasons’ ebb and flow,
Let the Frostallion guide you, where warmth and life can grow.
For in the depths of winter, cold and unforgiving,
A spring awaits, with the Frostallion forgiving.

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