With fur like glaciers, eyes like frozen stars,
Cryolinx roams, where frost and silence are.
His breath, a mist, his claws like sharpened ice,
A lonely king, in a realm of white.

He stalks the tundra, a silent, chilling grace,
Where blizzards dance, and snowflakes find their place.
His roars like wind, across the frozen plains,
A lonely echo, where sorrow reigns.

He yearns for warmth, a sunbeam’s gentle touch,
To melt the ice, and love he misses much.
But fear binds him, to his frozen throne,
A king of winter, forever alone.

The whispers sing, of ancient tales untold,
Of frozen beasts, of hearts turned cold.
But Cryolinx dreams, of spring’s returning grace,
Where icy tears, melt upon his face.

Oh, Cryolinx, king of frost and snow,
May gentle thaws, your spirit slowly grow.
Let kindness bloom, where ice begins to yield,
And find your solace, in a verdant field.

For in your heart, where beauty lies unseen,
True strength resides, in springtime’s green.
And frozen claws, to gentle touch transformed,
Will build a world, where love is warmly adorned.

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