With wings of moonlit feathers, eyes like stardust bright,
Lunaris emerges, cloaked in celestial light.
No soaring hunter, content in the day’s warm rays,
But lunar sovereign, where night’s mysteries play.

Through starlit heavens, she glides on silent wings,
Leaving trails of stardust, on dreams the darkness brings.
Her voice, a silver echo, on cosmic winds entwined,
Luring curious souls, to secrets unconfined.

But beneath the beauty, a wisdom vast and old,
Holds the essence of starlight, stories yet untold.
For Lunaris remembers, the dawn of twilight’s reign,
To guard the sleeping world, bathed in a silvery domain.

So approach with reverence, and lift your gaze above,
Respect the stillness, where moonlit wonders rove.
Offer not capture, but a heart that seeks to mend,
And Lunaris’ secrets, might gently descend.

With whispers carried on the moonbeam’s gentle gleam,
She tests your spirit, to face the unseen dream.
For the lunar queen’s trust, isn’t easily claimed,
It seeks a worthy soul, with stardust untamed.

Then, in the dance of shadows and celestial glow,
Lunaris unveils her wisdom, whispered soft and low.
She shares the magic, of constellations vast,
Of lunar cycles turning, secrets held fast.

And as the first rays of dawn ignite the sky,
Lunaris fades away, a lullaby as you sigh.
But in your heart, her echo will remain,
A whisper of the cosmos, whispered through the rain.

So close your eyes, and feel the windswept night,
Let Lunaris’ spirit, guide you through starlight’s flight.
For in the depths of wonder, where secrets softly gleam,
The queen of silvered skies, forever watches your dream.

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