With fur the color of twilight’s grace,
Rayhound streaks, a spectral chase.
Eyes like sapphires, moonlit bright,
A hunter of dreams, bathed in silver light.

Once protector, swift and sure,
Guiding souls, where stardust endure.
But shadows danced, whispers took hold,
Twisting purpose, hearts turned cold.

With phantom claws and silent stride,
It guards its domain, where spirits hide.
Wisps of stardust paint the air,
Whispering secrets, secrets to share.

Legends speak of power untold,
Hidden within, stories unfold.
Can dreams guide well, where darkness weaves?
Or will nightmares linger, on moonlit leaves?

Through starry fields and whispers faint,
Rayhound hunts, on destiny’s paint.
Hope flickers dim, a fading spark,
Will balance return, and leave its mark?

But deep within, a memory gleams,
Of starlit paths, bathed in sunlit beams.
Perhaps the hunter, with spectral might,
Can find redemption, set dreams aright.

So let it chase, across the night,
And from the shadows, bring forth light.
For Rayhound holds, a hidden key,
To mend the world, and finally, be free.

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